Mens Top 8 by Invitation, Doubles Top-8 by Invitation & Open Squash Event for Celebrities  : 15th March 2008 at Golds Gym, Andheri West


Hosted by  : Riddhi Jadwani and Kishore Jadwani







At the prize distribution function held at Gold's Gym Sandeep & Vikas Jhangra (Winners in Men's Top 8 Doubles Event) along with the chief guest Actress Aushima Sawhney, Riddhi Jadwani & Kishore Jadwani (Sponsors) & Mahendra Agarwal (Founder Director, ISP)




Celebrating the World Squash Day







Mahesh Mangaokar (runners up)



















Sharan Jadwani giving away the prize







2 Egptian coaches with Ashish Gupta and Mahendra Agarwal




Suman Thakur, Bina Agarwal and Sushila Pathak










Sandeep Rajora (TV actor) winner of celebrity event getting the certificate from Riddhi Jadwani







Celebrating the World Squash Day by cutting the cake (from left to right)
Abhishek Pradhan, Sunil Bhandari, Mahesh Mangaokar, Sonu Merani, Mahendra Agarwal, Hari Shenawa & Imroze Pathan




Abhishek Pradhan (runners up in doubles event)










Imroze Pathan (quarter finalist in doubles event)






ISP squash officials along with the sponsor Riddhi Jadhwani


Click here for details of this tournament